Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

I take two kinds of vacations. One kind, the rarer of the two, involves sleeping in, long, lazy, stretched out meals, a few cocktails, a night on the town and make-up, and a curling iron. The other kind, the kind I end up on more often than not, means we’re up at sunrise and out the door, ponytails are the fashion of the days and we arrive back in our rooms sun-kissed and tired but ready to do it again the next. Our trip Up North was the latter, which means that I came back mentally rested, but perhaps not physically.

And because the Universe has its ways, after diving back into heavy lifting and workout ASAP, I gave myself a helluva back injury on Wednesday morning, meaning that I will be sidelined from the fun stuff for at least a few weeks if we’re going best case scenario. It means that the Peloton bike that I’ve been counting down to receive for two months has spent the last two days sitting idly in my living room while I glance longingly at it every few hours. It means that early summer tennis mornings will have to make way to early fall ones and any birthday activities I had ideas about might have to be revisited. Are we at 39 already? Because getting old ain’t fun.

So I spent my weekend sitting around doing absoltely nothing since that’s pretty much all I could do. I hate it and it puts me in a bad mood. Luckily, Colin Firth, Kate Winslet, Indiana Jones and Julia Roberts were great company and hopefully some hydrotherapy in the lake will do these tangled muscles some good today.

As for the news, I came back into the land of the living pretty checked out on Tuesday, and managed somehow to stay there. Still, I’ve got a few nuggets to share.

Don’t you just love cute old people?

Making new friends in a pandemic. Have you made any?

What if you went on sabbatical and never came back?

On being childfree.

Why a remote workforce forever might not be the best thing for us after all.

FYI: Covid Brain is real.

Sort of related: Also, where are all the premies?  

Another reason to eat all the kimchi.

Alex Trebek, in his own words.

Dinner, A love story started this series when Covid started and I am really enjoying it. Have a look!

More vacation stories coming at you this week! Thanks for being here, and for being awesome.








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