Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

Did you really want an email from me three days in a row?  I figure I’d give you something to keep that weekend going this Monday morning.

I snuck in a quick trip to Chicago this weekend for my godson’s first communion. Time sure does fly- seems like his baptism was just yesterday. It was a quick trip, but a good one. Snuck in a few favorites bites of sugar, carbs and fat to keep me satisfied until I can come back for a proper visit to see the friends, faces and places that I missed this time around.  Someday, we’ll be together.

As for now though, how about some uplifts to get us through yet another week of the same old, same very old.

Nike marketing wins again.

Bambi IRL brings a smile. 

How the world made such progress on a Covid vaccine so fast.

A culture of selfishness got us here, but can we revert it with some selflessness?

On my to-watch list

Covid is bringing to light inequalities in college sports, just like everywhere else.

Since we’re all wearing masks (RIGHT?) I’m going to plug my friend’s little shop because, they’re cute, comfy and a portion of the proceeds to go some great causes!

My birthday is coming up and I’m already eating peach upside down cake. Join me!

That’s it! Have a great week!








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