Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Mid-December! We’re here! I have most of my shopping done, though everything seems to be in USPS limbo and therefore I have nothing to show for it under my tree. Mom and I are baking up a cookie storm today and I’m sure there will be so many cookies that we won’t even know who to give them to…and shipping like I usually do is risky – I don’t want them also ending up in USPS limbo. Still, it’s been years since we baked all the things we used to bake when we were youngins’ and I’m excited to get in the kitchen.

It was a rough week here- Crawley had to go to the vet on Tuesday (he’s fine) but we both spent the rest of the week paying for it with his bad mood. Dramatic, yes, but since there are two of us in the house, when one of us is in a mood, the whole house is in a mood. Cats have feelings, too, don’t I know it?

How are you? Are you in the spirit?  I really am and embracing it because it’s going to be a LONG January- March. My old landlord used to leave the house tree up and change decorations for it to keep it up through Mardi Gras. I wonder if I should do the same? 

Anyway, the internet has words for us. Here’s what I got:

Damn, I love a good holiday ad and this one made me tear up a little. Also, a good reminder for us all!

My friend Grape, who has her Ph.D. in vaccine design, passed this on. Her comment, echoed in this article, was that, in an ideal world, vaccines would be ready and waiting on the shelves in the labs for outbreaks rather than reactively trying to rush the process.However, with the current funding model- why would anyone want to spend millions of dollars on a vaccine that might be needed someday? Anyway, a good read, We Had the Vaccine All Along.

So…does the vaccine mean we’re back to normal? Hardly. Wear those masks!

Interesting: how the pandemic distorted time.

If the pandemic hit Stars Hollow…(this is spot on, GG fans!)

Did you know about the Hermitage cats? Well, they just got a small windfall.

If the Nutcracker was part of your Christmas tradition, it can stay that way this year! Free virtual event!

Could this BE any more Chandler Bing?

DYK- It’s a Wonderful Life.

BRB, baking these.

I’m making Christmas Eve dinner and am going with paella (but with rice instead of cauliflower rice. Good decision, I think!

What are you making for holiday eats? 

That’s all she wrote. Have a good week!










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