Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Damn, it’s Christmas week and aren’t I ready for it? Sure, I have work. Sure, we’re staying home. Sure, we’re adults and Christmas Day is just a little less magical. Still, I’m READY. And all my gifts have arrived! Huzzah!

Yesterday my internet went out, which is like, DIRE in these quarantine times, but I took the opportunity to finish my book, sit in my PJs until 2, not exercise, go for a walk (on which I found a lucky penny! Huzzah again!), make some marshmallows (forgot to add the egg white so TBD on how they will come out) and generally stay off the screens for a bit which ended up not being the worst thing.

I’m taking today to relax, whipping up a few cocktails, prepping for the mega cosmic day that is tomorrow and getting my house space set for me and Crawley to leave on Thursday for the weekend.  Our trust has still not recovered from Thanksgiving/the vet and I fear that this next weekend will not help things. Sigh.

Anyway, news you can use. Here we go:

Speaking of December 21, it’s a big deal. Get ready for the Age of Aquarius! (And now, if you’re like I am, you’re all singing either the Age of Aquarius song or Conjunction Junction, what’s your function?)

What happened to all the un-hugged hugs?

Oh, Chicago humor.

Have you been pandemic walking? Every day (except rainy days) I strap on my shoes. I hate it, but I also love it.

Still planning your holiday meal? Here are some ideas! I’m doing a Spanish-inspired charcuterie and paella on Christmas Eve and Mom’s doing prime rib on Christmas day. GIMME THE FOOD!

New planes are coming, and they will change the way we travel.

Is American Dietetics a White Bread World? An interesting read.

Who else puts stuff in their online shopping carts to not buy it?

Sorry, I love a good dog video.

That’s all I’ve got. Have a great holiday week!






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