Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Are you tired of pictures of Crawley yet? I mean, how could you be?

Yesterday was the first “normal” day I’d had in a while. My quarantine bubble and I went out for some socially-distanced, outdoor masked ice skating, followed by to-go food of fish and chips and beer and donuts and everything about it was wonderful. Then, the day finished with some Harry Potter watching with good friends. Really, the best day I’ve had in a while.

The news weeks are slightly quieter these days and isn’t it just a little bit eerie? Hell, let’s embrace it while it lasts.

We’re gearing up for a snow storm so I’m solidly tucking in for at least a few days.

Here’s what’s cooking in my brain. Do with it what you will:

A new look at Americanized Chinese food.

Who’s got a winter cooking project going? I’m doing a #WhereHasChrissyBeen series to keep things interesting. Do you have any fun projects planned?

Dogs, we don’t deserve them. Using their noses to sniff out COVID.

We lost another great. RIP, Cicely.

If you could work from home forever, where would you live?

The Pandemic has erased entire categories of friendships. Can they recover?

Fistful of knuckles with that compliment.

In praise of Aunties. Do you have one? In my world, Auntie May makes it best.

This was interesting: presidencies, through the lens of television series.

Food for thought: a very nice cake for this time of year.

Have a nice week!









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