Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

For the first time since I was probably in high school, I have President’s Day off! It’s like, the only thing I had to look forward to this month, so I’m embracing it the best I can in this pandemic life. Movie night with my pod-mate kicked it off, and ended it by doing an overnight trip to Mom’s for Valentine’s with tacos and peanut butter cake.  It’s a sad state of affairs when a 20 minutes drive to stay at my mom’s house becomes an exciting getaway prospect, but here we are.  I ended up not bring Crawley, which I do feel slightly bad about, but he hates it so much and it’s so stressful for all of us that it was better that he just stay home along.

In five years, I think he has been home alone at night less than five times, so it was a big deal for me to leave him. I’m going to pay for it with extreme clinginess the rest of the week, I’m sure, but I say it’s desperate times. And you’ve got another picture of Crawley because I’m not really taking pictures of much else these days, but my phone is full of cat photos galore.

Even if you don’t have today off, I hope you at least had a chance to breathe.  I’m getting my exercise, taking my vitamins and staying hydrated, which is the best I can do.  Fat Tuesday is coming at us all tomorrow and, after living in NOLA for four years, I do state emphatically that it is a holiday for all, whether or not your religion includes it.  Here’s a quick round up of my favorite things to eat-celebrate. So laissez le bon temps rouler!

What does the internet say today? Let’s take a look:

Bhutan is already the happiest place on Earth, and in the last year, they have had ONE COVID death. One. TOTAL.  And it was just last month. Here’s their success story, which gave me a quick pause to think maybe how we all should be towards each other.  Community over individuality, wins every time.

My friends and I joke about living the Golden Girls life when we’re all old, and still single. Apparently, this is starting now, and in those younger than you’d think. Dorm life forever.

In memoriam: real pants.

Oh, Chicago and its dibs.  At least those pants are going to good use.

A Lunar New Year rap.

Couldn’t we all use a panda hug?

My mom won an award (literally) for packing the best lunches. They were never boring, always well-balanced and delicious, and while I never ended up bring dahl or cabbage rolls for lunch, I still got picked on for them.  I can still hear Ryan Pompi saying, “Chrissy Barua’s eating soap!” in response to seeing my cottage cheese. As much as I longed for plain jane sandwiches, airhead and chips ahoy at the time, I’m forever grateful for what Mom packed us.  Anyway, all this is to say that I thought this was an interesting read: The Limits of the Lunchbox Moment.

I remember when I was a kid, flying was a huge deal, and we always dressed in church clothes when we flew. A far cry from the plaid PJ pants that we see in the terminals today, but a dress code for the skies does still exist, and I support it.

Norway versus Will Farrell

Have a good week!









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