Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

This felt like a long week, for no real reason. For me the days slowly dragged one by one until Friday and then I realized we were already one week in to March. I mean, how even? What happened to February?

The days are still cold here, so I’ve got a pot of soup on the stove and veggies roasting in the oven. The staples, ready for the week ahead.

Otherwise, we keep on keeping on. A handful of my friends have actually managed vaccines. Since none of us live in the same state, it’s interesting to see how the roll out is going nationwide. With friends from California, to Texas over to D.C., it truly has been a mixed bag. BUT, with the hope of one soon, more than one person is booking vacations. I can’t wait!

Anyway, here are some things I found of interest in this very long week:

Have you ever thought what it would be like to just up and move and ‘try a place on’ for size? One of the people I follow on social took the pandemic as a chance to do just that, moving from Chicago to Chattanooga for a stint. I found her experience to be very interesting on the pros and cons of doing so.

THIS sort of homework assignment would not go over well with me…

Perhaps of interest: the stimulus bill and what it means.

This is random, but I found this article about hagfish slime fascinating. Yes, I’m serious.

Have we lost the essence of a chocolate chip cookie?  

I eat oatmeal every morning and I never toast my oats, so Monday, an experiment.

Related: a 28-day oatmeal journey.

Also related: golden milk oatmeal.

That’s all I’ve got for you today. Sorry I gave you three reads about…oatmeal.

Have a good week!







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