Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Well, this was not a good week, and I think the pandemic plus life plus everything else had me ranting like a crazy person in between stints of tears until I hit my wall and just melted. I yelled at my mom. I yelled at my brother. I was angry until I was just too tired to be angry anymore. By Thursday night, I had had enough, and tucked myself in on the couch, hit play on The Sound of Music, and let Julie Andrews lull me to calm and by Friday was feeling a little bit more like my normally -centered self.

Yesterday the sun was shining and in its beauty, I went out with Ham to tennis for the first hit of the season. I needed it so badly- the tennis, the sun, the outdoors and the friendship.  With the promise of the vaccine a week or so away, I’m letting the bits of hope peek in.

The news was bad, as it always is these days. Here’s the light that I could find in the darkness:

I love this, and wonder where else this model would succeed: teach a man to fish…and he’ll build himself a house.

It’s time to embrace The Clothes Chair, or, in my case, The Clothes Couch. No shame in my game.

Interesting- one jab, doing the job.

The RBG collars- and what they meant.

Anti-Asian racism: a great read.

Related, a bit: be like Einstein.

Can money buy happiness? Well, maybe…I do enjoy the little luxuries sometimes.

How the pandemic destroyed work-life balance.

I admit that my times given in my recipes are guestimates. The fallacy of the 30-minute meal.

Are you traveling this summer? If so, here’s some inspo!

I’ve got a recipe for you this week based on my favorite holiday treat and I’m so excited about it!

Wishing you a great week!












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