Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

Well, Saturday got away from me and that’s what we’re Musing today over work demands instead of on a lazy Sunday morning. I was all sorts of productive, starting with early tennis, a trip to Lowe’s, meal prep for the week (and two recipes to share!), a moderate-deep level cleaning of the house and, most importantly, a solid packing of boxes for my impending fall/winter move.  I got a huge chunk of my closet done, most of all work clothes which I may not be using in 2020 at all, so into the storage depths they went.  All of that being said, I was downright exhausted by the end of the day. Sunday, Crawley and I reaped the benefits of our Saturday hard work with a late lie in, a lot of snuggles and a solid workout to get us going for this week ahead.

That being said, I hope all you dads, or moms that act as dads, out there had a fab day yesterday!

While mine is no longer with us, here is one of his favorite treats. And the lessons l learned from him.

As for the rest of the internet, here we go:

Juneteenth is now a federal holiday. Here, a history.

Planning a visit to our national parks this summer? Well, these are also UNESCO world heritage sites! On that note, make sure if you are planning a national parks trip, you check the website to make a reservation. I’m going to Acadia in a few weeks and I’m glad I looked because slots were definitely filling up!)

Related to summer travel: Europe is open. Now what?

The winners and losers in the work from home reality. I’m on the W side of this coin.

As my Pinterest board goes into overdrive in planning to decorate and style my new house, I’ve become more obsessed with the DIY that I don’t have the actual talent to do. Still, we can dream. If you’re renting, here are some easy upgrades.

The historical parallel between cholera and COVID.  We continue to learn nothing from the lessons of history.

This made me laugh, but I also found it interesting.  Why inbreeding is bad.

I’ve been saying this forever. Grandma cooking is the best. I mean, go away with your expensive bone broth. 

This has happened to me three times this spring. What you are owed if you flight is cancelled or rescheduled.

Summer’s here and so is my favorite summer salad. Thanks Biscuit!

Have a great week!






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