Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday!

Yes, I got my act together in time to wake up with you on Sunday morning. Seems like it’s been a minute. 

I spent yesterday tacking my guest room closet, which for me was akin to Monica’s closet. If you know, you know. Anyway, I shredded about 5 years of tax returns (from the days before Docusign), donated a chunk of the 1000 scarves I bought myself in Paris back in 2005, uncovered my most favorite childhood shirt from my very first trip to Disney World, tried on (and fit into!) my high school tennis skirt, a bunch of old pictures (as seen above) and ended up with about 6 more boxes packed for the move. I’ve got another room to tackle today and I’m actually pretty pumped for the progress I’ve made. I’m listing the first week in August, and I’m going to READY. No stress packing for me!

Other than that, I also got some goods going in the kitchen. I roasted my first corn of the season, am loving all the peaches and made a spicy raspberry jam that I can’t wait to share with you this week. I’m treating myself this morning to a ricotta-filled donut and I’m all about it.  AND, bonus- we have a three day weekend.  Life is good.

We are in tornado season, so the watch we had last night took me back to those days post-Hurricane Andrew when I psychotically watched the weather channel. Ugh. Nature is going to do it’s thing.

Keep those masks on, people. We’ve come too far to go backwards. Oh, hey, my friend sells super cute ones!

How we all failed Britney Spears.  I’m pulling for her!

The age old question of what hurts more…

The purgatory of an endless crush. We’ve all been there.

Cooking out this July 4th (or if in Canada, July 1st)? Food52 has got you covered.

I made this elderflower cake and it was simple, elegant and delicious. And gluten-free!

Since I’ve got home design on the mind, I’ve been loving Tasha’s DIY stuff. I feel like I can actually do some of it!

With the blog, I feel the pressure to make interesting, different, exciting stuff for you all, but my reality is that I am boring a lot of time (hence, the lack of posting during the pandemic).  It’s okay for you, and it’s okay for me.

However, remember that even normal salads don’t have to be boring.

Happy Summer to me. I bought this.

Have a great week!




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