Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

I apologize for my tardiness. I spent the weekend out in the sun, roasting and playing tennis (clean sweep of wins, baby!) and was too exhausted to think by the time I got home Saturday night. I passed right out, without eating any ice cream (like, whoa) but am feeling rested as I sit in a coffee shop while my condo is being shown for sale.

This weekend was the last in a big hump of to-dos and I’m glad to be over it. Next is my big birthday weekend which will be done up with some fanfare with some of my nearby favorite people.  I’m sure my far away favorites and I will figure out a way to mark 40 together, since most of us were all quarantined and separate for our big days.

How are you though? The summer heat is keeping me a little crabby, but I’m starting to get that “is it fall? IS IT?” feeling, though with Delta who knows what that even means. If it means my quarantine bubble is again my only source of contact- well,we’ve been here before.

Here’s what I found this week to be interesting. Wishing you a fab week!

I always thought my Patronus would be a dolphin because they love the water (obviously) and are a bit sassy and friendly. That’s me! When I took the official test I was a Newfie, the water dog, and I was okay with that as well. BUT – this is why I still forever love dolphins

We all know that the world won’t return to “normal” until there is equity around vaccines globally. Intrepid Travel continues to impress me, and I can’t wait to travel with them again (I have two cancelled trips waiting to be rebooked!).

Interesting read, I say. Home ownership can bring out the worst in you.

Green energy. It’s there- we just have to use it.

I love the Olympics so much and I’m sad they are over. Go USA! Go Canada! #24 made me tear up seeing it live, and I did just again. Also, diving is spectacular.

Do you need this? I need this. My utensils are a hot mess. Side note: I LOVE my kitchen pegboard and am trying to figure out how to keep that reality alive in my new place.

My friends who really know me know that I pretty much turn my nose up at anything that originates south of the Mason-Dixon, but I will tip my hat to the Publix sub.  Midwesterners/NEasterners, Dibella’s makes a decent sub-stitution (see what I did there?).

Kimchi hot honey?!?! I can’t wait to make it.

That’s it! Have a great week!





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