Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Hello, AUGUST?! What is even happening with time.

So many happenings this month for me it seems and I’m enjoying the kick off to the last month of summer by keeping my eyes on the Olympics. I do love them so much and am thinking about all the big moments I remember watching live from all those games past.  

Anyway, let’s play our monthly catch up game. But first, a few links to get you through your coffee this morning:

In light of Jeff Bezos’ bozo space run, here’s a him vs. her comparison on what to do with all the money.

Worried about a breakthrough COVID case? Same, but we’re ready for it.

How many kinds of chili powders does your kitchen house? I count three.

Alright, now, tell me what’s up with you? Here’s what’s up with me:

wishing: the new few weeks would fly by quickly.

hoping: that my condo keeps up with market trends and sells fast!

thinking: of all the things I can’t wait to do at my new house.

packing: oh, packing.

praying: my family and friends keep beating the illness odds. and Crawley does well at his teeth cleaning on Monday (I’m probably going to be worse about it than he is).

planning: hawaii! november, yo!

dreaming: of when the world opens. i fear it’s further away than we think.

watching: the olympics!

reading: what’s a book? I feel like this is my motto of 2021.

wearing: linen shorts- where have these been all my life.

cooking: ice cream. and salads like this one. and this one.

baking: this cake because I’m…

turning: 40. FORTY. Dear Lord. 






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