Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

Hello from Maine!

I’m out on summer vacation, working and playing up the New England coast and I was a bit delayed in sitting down to write to you this week. But now, belly full of maple bacon ice cream (more on that later), a few fun things to get us going in July.  

wishing: on stars in the clear Maine night sky. always wishing on stars.

hoping: 2022 is more back to normal

thinking: of my moving/house selling to-do list that is hovering over my head.

praying: my family and friends continue to stay safe during the pandemic.

planning: the rest of the summer- it’s going by so fast!

dreaming: of a Euro adventure this fall?

watching: Happy Endings!

eating: so far? lobster rolls and ice cream cones.

reading: The Bone Code.  so hard to read on vacation when I don’t want to put it down.

wearing: hiking shoes and bathing suits. a summer uniform.

loving: all the nature. and scenery.

missing: my Crawley, always. he’s getting good snuggles while I’m away.

Have a great week!



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