
Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. Well, we finally got our long overdue snowstorm here in Michigan. The last time we had anything remotely close to this was November, and over the past few weeks when my friends in Chicago and D.C. have been pummeled by Mother Nature, we’ve…

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. Wasn’t this just the longest short week ever? Sure seemed like it on my end. Tasks slowly starting to creep back to life after a few weeks’ hibernation, making them seem…all the more annoying. Is it only me that feels that way? What…

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. Hello from Disney! Yup, the family and I are on our annual Christmas Disney trip. It’s been all sorts of perfection, with great weather, delicious food and one glorious hot tub. Family time made up the rest of the weekend and we have…

My Favorite Things: 2018

My Favorite Things: 2018

The tradition continues with my third annual My Favorite Things post.  To reiterate, I’m not necessarily suggesting that every person on your list might find these to be nice presents, but merely that they were among the things that I liked, and used and loved regularly,…

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

  Hello, Sunday. Hello, November! I can’t even believe we are staring down the holidays right now, but here we are with shorter days, and colored trees. What are you looking forward to this season? Since it’s a new month, and that brings with it…

Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Happy Monday to you! Suffice it to say that the weekend got away from me, but I got away with having lots of good food, good times. That’s more than I can say about the news this week. I just can’t any more, and started…

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. Hello, friends! I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve been around, but I’ve gotten a bit of normal back before I pack it up again for my trip with Mom later this week. ICYMI, we’re heading to Scotland, where we’ll be driving…

This is 37

This is 37

Hey guys. Thanks for being patient with me during the last month. It’s been a crazy whirlwind of life and sometimes, you all draw the short straw. But, now that life has returned to some semblance of calm and normal, food will once again come…

Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday. Whew, what a busy weekend. Kettle Corn was in town and we partied in Detroit behind the scenes at the Kenny Chesney concert, worked, worked and worked some more. Side note: If you are a small business and want to get in front…

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. It’s been a busy week, with timing going faster than I can keep up with, so when the weekend came to be, I was determined to make it close to a perfect weekend. So far, so good. Sunrise tennis followed by catching up…