Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

I’m staring down three days of work before I’m off on a jet plane, and let me tell you, I AM READY. It’s been around two months since any sort of adventure, big or small and I need to get out of the zone of my couch, my routine, my work and my play and get some vitamin D poolside with an African starr mojito and one of the many books I’ve hoarded the past few weeks.  Sorry, Crawley, but you’ll be fine. Mom’s gotta GO.

I hope that by the time I get back I’ll be more than ready to bombard you with goodness and ideas and the kitchen creativity that I’ve been lacking lately.  Refresh, recharge.

Until then, a little reality in the way of readings. Here we go.

IT’S HAPPENING. #TheOnewiththeReunion

Medicare will now pay for acupuncture. I did seek out this alternative treatment to drugs for my PCOS and I truly believed that it was working, but at the end of the day I couldn’t afford to keep it up.  Good for medicare for this.

Coronoavirus. What a freaking mess.

Get ready: high speed train routes are coming home!

How true are those food videos we all see online? Some are put to the test and…not so true!

Warning: more bad news for these bad times.

Okay now, how ’bout a feel good? Travel love stories for the wandering soul.

For the love of snow days.

Remember to Mardi Gras, ya’ll.

That’s it! Have a great week!






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