Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Yes, I’m here, and no, I haven’t fallen off the ends of the earth yet. I was pleasantly disconnected on vacation and was too busy vacationing to have anything official posted last week. I did manage to get out my monthly newsletter on the 1st (yo, are you subscribed? Why not?) and I consider that a solid win against vacation mindset. I’ll be trekking in Jordan in two weeks (#OutoftheJordanary, among others), and let me tell you, my mind is still far, far away, but also somewhat filled in the present with a major to-do list.

Even though I was only half in the real world this week, I did manage to collect some internet tidbits to share. Some are from last week, but were just too good not to share anyway.  Pip pip, here we go!

Speaking of travels, let’s all have some common sense, k?  A common sense approach to travel and the corona virus.  Also, let’s wash our hands without occasion, right?

Related: In case you need to know how to make your own hand sanitizer.

Happy International Women’s Day to all of us badass women, doing our thing the best we can.  Here are some ladies that did their best for all of us and aren’t we ever so grateful? 

Still rooting for you, Alex.

Red wine pouring out of the sink? Only in Italy.

The best of sassy people comes from the worst.

In the era of exorbitant tuition costs, Purdue hasn’t raised its tuition in 7 years. How can they do it?

People who self-promote get paid more. Why is it so hard though?

Aren’t we all this woman, just a little bit?

Scotland’s doing the right thing– and here we’re trying to tax these products more. Hmpf.

Real life as art? I love this!

The underrated pleasures of eating early.  I usually have eaten much of my food by 7 pm, most nights. Eating later anymore just makes me feel ill at bed time (as evidenced by our late vacation dinners last week).

Finally, I made these cookies this weekend and you should, too. Mom’s best peanut butter cookies.

Have a great week!










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