Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Hello, friends.

Beware the Ides of March. Indeed.

It’s scary out there, but I take comfort in the fact that we are literally, all of us, everyone in the world, in it together. We are not only responsible for ourselves, but for our neighbors, now more than ever, and there is something almost hopeful in this tragedy we are all, each of us facing. I truly believe that the worst of times brings out the best in all of us, and I do hope that when we wake up from this Jumanji game gone-wrong, as divided as we all were just a few weeks ago, we will be more united than we were before moving forward.

But man, doesn’t it all just suck?  I was supposed to be heading on vacation Thursday. Obviously, cancelled. Work from home is the name of the game for at least a few weeks (though, I suspect that it’ll be much longer than that until we can all safely face our colleagues and cubemates) and I’m doing my best to stay sane. The last few days has been overwhelming, with news and stats and closures and warnings changing literally by the hour. Take care of yourself, because should you be unfortunate enough to contract this awful disease, the healthier you are, the better your chances of recovery.

Here are a few things that I’ve been doing to keep myself sane:

Get some sleep – we have all the time in the world, so nap away! Being well rested is one of the best things we can always do for ourselves.

Exercise – even just a little time off the couch/away from the desk/internet will do loads of good. Doesn’t have to be intense – remember good ole calisthenics can be done without any equipment and right in your own home. Twenty minutes and a little sweat will do a world of good.

Get outside – no, not in a crowded bar or anything, but a quick walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh, not inside, not stale air will do a lot to clear your head and easy anxiety. Yesterday I took a 90 minute stroll in the brisk 45 degree air after I could feel myself starting to freak and I came back feeling 110% more like myself.

Eat healthy – Many of us up north are just coming out of those long winter days where we probably loaded up on stew and soups and, let’s face it, crap. Get those fruits and veggies in, and try to lay off the salt. I know, if it’s around, you’ll eat it, so maybe keep that off your quarantine shopping list.  

Stay hydrated – always

Do what you ENJOY – I know many of us will still be working from home and a lot of you may have kids that are feeling cooped up. We are all going to have a lot of down time.  Remember before smartphones?  Bake or cook as a family. Play board games. Grab coloring books. Craft up a storm. Bust out the playing cards.  Read the stack of books you’ve neglected all year (or download something new from your local library!).  Catch up on the phone with your long lost friends. Hell, have a nice cup of tea.

More helpful advice from a Microbiologist.

Also an excellent resource.

We’ll get through it.  We will.

As for what’s hot on the web, I found a few things that will hopefully lift your spirits.

Examples of how the worst brings out the best:

In the NBA

Chinese Red Cross

Walt Disney Company

Grub Hub

Sienna, Italy

A few resources that might be of use to you:

Bluebird Sky Yoga

The Met Opera

Homeschooling kit


Museum virtual tours

Okay, other things. I LOVE this book series and the new Veronica Speedwell just came out!  Give that series and also Deanna Raybourn‘s other series, Lady Julia Grey, a look if you’re needing some suggestions!

Here’s another train wreck for ya.

The Dixie Chicks are BACK!

Helpful for us all – how to not care when someone doesn’t like you. Wait, someone doesn’t like me??

A little fun, for Pi day yesterday.

Related: the math of Pi.

The fastest talking state in the Union is…

Finally, a search on which I would gladly embark.

Have a good week, folks. Stay safe.








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