Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Happy Easter!

I hope your weekend has been sunny and bright. Yesterday I did the normal weekend things: had a later than usual morning, a sweeter than usual breakfast, a workout and then baked up a storm for some surprise after-Easter sweet treats for some friends near and far.  For the first time ever, or as long as I can remember, I opened my brown sugar to find it hard- a sign that I need to bake more often because one should never go long enough between baking that one’s brown sugar gets hard, I say.

The week was fine. I got the design basics settled on the new house, which was a bit of a sigh of relief.  Warmer weather, sunny skies, brighter days again. One can hope, anyway.

I was pretty busy so I kept my eyes off the internet. Always a sense of peace when that happens. Ignorance is bliss.

Therefore, let’s play!

wishing: i had a crystal ball sometimes.

hoping: that our vaccine progress sticks.

thinking: of all I have to do before I move…in 8 months.

praying: for all our front line workers- it’s not over.

planning: all the trips! fingers crossed!

dreaming: of what next year will look like.

reading: an unexpected peril.

watching: law & order: UK– YES! So good! check it on amazon.

wearing: sweatpants and a sweatshirt.  then shorts and a sweatshirt. then shorts and a t-shirt. then back to sweats. #SpringintheMidwest

eating: all the bowls.  including this one.

listening: the chicks pandora station.

wanting: a burger. and fries. and a beer. in a restaurant.

waiting:  patiently for shot #2. patiently for vacation at the end of the month.

Oh – remember I’m teaching a cooking class to benefit the Children’s Literacy Network – kid-friend, mother-approved. Sign up here! April 18, see you there!

Have a good week!

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