Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Yesterday was a pretty busy day, so it’s a little bit of a slow start over here this Sunday.  After lunch and a show, we popped by my soon-to-be new house to see how it’s going. I personally think it’s ambitious that it’ll be appraisal-ready by Friday, but miracles do happen? In any case, I think I’ll be in my new home in a month, and for that I say hooray!

Otherwise, it seems that everyone I know and I are feeling the February crankies. It happens every year at this time, and I know that sweet, chlorinated relief will come and cure them when we head to Florida in a week.

How are you? Are you feeling irked for no reason as well? I hope you find some salve on your end, even if it’s from something as simple as your favorite sweet.

Work has been crazy busy so it seems the week flew by with me having little awareness of anything beyond my glowing monitor, but here are a few things that popped into my awareness:

Since Valentine’s Day is also my half birthday, I always say treat yo’self, even if you don’t have anyone treating you (related: be your own Valentine). A simple (and delicious) way to do that, I say, are these individual tiramisu parfaits.  Scalable, easy to assemble, no cooking required and oh-so-delicous!

I’m just discovering the wonder that is Mark Rober? I don’t know, but this squirrel obstacle course is worth the watch!

The resemblance is uncanny!

I’ve never really been a snowboarding fan, but watching Shaun White end his historic career definitely gave me the feels – the greatness of the GOAT.

Related: world-class sportsmanship is the best part of the Olympics.

Remember that scene in Field of Dreams when Annie goes into the school board meeting where they are talking about banning books? Yeah, I feel ya, Annie.

A reminder to embrace fika in your workday, especially since many of ours seems a little bit longer with us working from home. Also, a treat for your fika.

Dutch architecture never ceases to amaze me.

If you’re not following Delyanne The Money Coach, you should be!

Dolly does it again.

And finally, why we love Emma Thompson.

Have a great week!









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