Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

I feel like it was weird week. Was it for you, too? A weird week with weird vibes with a long to do list but also, not enough to do? That’s not true at all, but I feel like that’s how I felt all week. Spans of frantic activity and spans of quiet calm.  Crawley has a bit of a sprained paw, so that took up a lot of my focus and still does and will until he’s no longer hobbling around the house.  Just sort of an unsettled aura.

I realized yesterday that I’ll be in Spain in two weeks, footloose and fancy free in warmer weather, under the Mallorcan sun, playing tennis and removing myself from the trappings of adulting and work and errands and that is just so what I need right now!  Spring break, grown up style.

I hope that you’re either basking in the glow of a recent spring break yourself or heading out of your routine on something soon.  Good for the body, brain and soul, methinks- even if it’s just a staycation. 

The world was moving and shaking all week, and here are a few things that caught my eye:

What distinguishes each state: 50 theories, tweeted.

I read two interesting, related articles this week on the topics of singledom vs. family. I’ll leave them here for you to ponder. My fellow singles and I often talk about the #singlepersonlifetax that we pay on a daily basis and how as a society we ended up here, built on the premise that the nuclear family was the way to go. But really, is it, or was that a mistake?

Related: single shaming.

I love this. If literature’s complicated men were on Tinder. Oh, Lucifer.

Another ceiling, shattered.

I’ve gotten into podcasts lately (better late than never?) and here are two of my faves for finance and travel hacking.

Easter’s coming up next week and here are a few suggestions: Easter lamb, Moroccan orange cake and some treats for your Easter basket.

That’s it! Have a great week!

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