Sunday Somethings – September 2022

Sunday Somethings – September 2022

Hello, Sunday.

Hello, September!

Gah, I know I say this every month – I can’t believe we’re already here – but the ones where the seasons change (in spirit, even if not technically yet), it strikes harder. September rolls around, and even though it may be still in the hot-as-summer degrees, we’re mentally cooking up chili and wearing cozy sweaters and counting down the days until the air feels as crisp as the apples we’re picking.

It’s also the time of the year that Facebook and Google Photos annoyingly reminds me that I should be on vacation somewhere (and last year I succumbed to that pressure with a last minute trip to Andorra).

This year, and I’ve lived up to my long-held tradition and am currently in Greece.

So, hello from Greece!  Greece by way of Switzerland, but my friend and I are hopping around Crete for the week. Can’t wait to tell you all about it when I get home.

Until then, let’s look and see what is on my mind this for this new season, new month.

wishing: it would cool down already

hoping: we are free of the travel mishaps that have plagued me of late!

thinking: not of my to-do list for a change

praying: my family and friends are happy, always

planning: home improvement projects for the fall and winter

dreaming: of a leafy fall

cooking: tahini apple crumble and apple cider iced tea

wearing: bathing suits and hiking shoes. these and these, for reference.

reading: boyfriend material and people we meet on vacation (appropriately)

watching: heartstopper (netflix) and starstruck (hbo max) – yes to both!


believing: that good things are to come

What’s going on with you?


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