Tag: Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. Up here in the Mitten, it was sort of the perfect kind of weekend. High 60s, low 70s, sun for day and I made the most of every second by being outside. Tennis all day yesterday, walks and picnics today mean that I…

Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday. Last week was a week. Did we all feel it?  I hope so because for so long, too long, our black brothers and sisters have been feeling it alone.   It was a week for me in other respects since I started a new…

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Gosh, what can one even say about this week? This post went up and out a little later than it normal would because I sat down to write it per usual on Saturday night and I just couldn’t find the words to express what I was thinking and feeling, and wanted to say.  I still am confident that I’m not going to get it right, so I apologize in advance.

As many of you know, I grew up in a mixed-race household. My mom and I, fairer in complexion and sex, often go about our lives without much strife or harassment.  The men in my family, fully and half-brown, live(d) a different existence: harassed at the airport, pulled over without cause while driving, attacked verbally by passersby, not given full deference and consideration based on the color of their skin.  I’m not saying this to pretend that I know how it feels to be personally under attack, but I say this because I know that when I see the images on TV, that it could be my brother lying there on the ground under someone’s knee should he find himself at the wrong place at the wrong time by someone who choses to hate our particular race that day (or, what they guess our particular race to be).  And let me tell you, out of the two of us, I’m the one that you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley;  he’s a gentle giant, but as my friends know about me, don’t poke the sleeping lion.  The hate that is out there touches all of us, and we all have a duty to be informed and act because only then we can change the narrative. #blacklivesmatter

The internet is full of opinions and while mine might be one more in the shuffle of them, I wanted to use my soapbox, however meager, to voice my support to those I love.  

Much like Hermione Granger (another lion not to be poked), whenever I’m at a loss for how to move forward, I hit the books. Or in this case, the internet. This document has a lot of great information about how to be a good ally to our friends and neighbors that need our support and I’ve put some of them below.

I’ve also thrown in some children and food links because…escapism works in small doses, too. Why do you think I have a Disney Pandora channel on rotation?

White women, step in. Here’s how.

Here’s also how we can fund racial justice.

In reality, there are millions of Amy Coopers.  Case and point.

Wear your damn mask. Please.

Just because the world opens doesn’t’ mean you have to rush to go out in it. Remember that.

Also a reminder that not everyone is horrible.

If you’re like I am and chomping at the bit to jump on an airplane, here’s a travel timeline for when that MIGHT happen.

Related: The future of climbing Everest.

Also related: how to rebuild the future of travel, sustainably.

The reality of the speed for developing vaccines.

Denmark, there are giants in your woods.

Do you have a charcoal thumb like I do? Here are some things NOT to do with your new herb garden.

Is your room messy? Mine is and always seems to be. While I don’t have a chair, I do have a laundry basket that seems to serve the same purpose.

The age of innocence. At what age to people just become bad?

Meet the Davids, the cutest uncles ever, I think.

Um, whoopsy.

Finally, don’t we all just need some ice cream? Or some booze? Or maybe both together.

Be well. Be kind. 









Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday! This past Friday, Mom and I road-tripped to Chicago for the day to pick up my brother. It was a 12-hour day filled with McDonald’s milkshakes, Stan’s Donuts, greasy burgers and a lot of late 90s- early 2000s jams. In other words, a…

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. How are we doing? Another week in the books? I’ll shamefully confess that I don’t hate quarantine all that much. Maybe I’ve adapted. I love working from home. I love being able to work out any time of the day I wish and…

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Another week in the books. How many is that? I’ve lost count, but my routine is pretty set, and bleeds from weekday to weekend pretty seamlessly. I’m certainly ready for a vacation….hell, a trip to the grocery store this week to jazz things up.  But, stay home, stay safe, I’m doing it.

Also, a very Happy Mother’s Day to you all out there. Whether you mother your kids, your pets, your friends, your husband- this day is non-exclusive, all-inclusive!

Have you seen this year’s Gerber baby? So much cuteness, and there’s something even more special about her this year!

When can we travel to Europe? That is the question.

What will this (i.e., the world) all look like after?

The best four minutes of your day: The Great Realization.

Harry Potter dreams coming true.

Sigh. Just leaving this here.

Karma is real. And so is kindness.

In case you need more incentive, get thee some sunshine!

If you need a new curry recipe, this one is fab!

We all need animal photos.

Cheese coffee. Should we?

That’s all I’ve got. Have a great week!







Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. The sun is shining and it’s a beautiful weekend here in Michigan. It really does something great to the mood when the weather outside is all kinds of perfect, doesn’t it? I hope that people can keep their heads on straight and not…

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. That’s the day, right? It’s a bit weird being home all the time, because instead of waiting to cram all my chores and errands into the two weekend days, I manage to do a little at a time every day of the week.…

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

How are you?  I’m okay.  Last Monday we had to put down our lovely, wonderful, scrappy 21 dear Sneakers.  He’s pictured above with my dad- he was HIS cat, after all, and I like to think that they’ve finally reunited. Two weirdos of a kind, together again. Losing a pet is the hardest, and while we knew this day was coming sooner rather than later, it doesn’t make it any easier, does it?  I know we all have had moments of spontaneous tears this week and it makes me snuggle my Crawley just a little bit tighter. Do the same for your furpals, k?

Other than that, I’ve got to do a better job of spreading out my weekend productivity, because yesterday i was done with 90% of my chores by 12, which meant that after my workout and daily walk I took a proper two hour nap. Today is a blank slate of…nothing.  I restarted TGBBS because I find it relaxing and I think that marathon may continue today.

As for food, I’m thoroughly bored with the healthy home cooked meals I’ve been eating and am treating myself to my favorite burger and fries today.  We gotta live where we can, right?

I hope that you’ve found ways to bring a little life and joy into these long ass days.  I hope these readings below help a little.

How would you explain the pandemic to your past self?  Here’s a hilarious take on that question.

Speaking of the aforementioned British baking, the UK’s going wartime.

If you’ve jumped on the bread-baking bandwagon, here are some that are NOT sourdough.

Banksy is at it again!

Last month was the first March in 18 YEARS that there was no school shootings.  How horribly sad is that?

As someone who desperately wanted to watch Jurassic Park yesterday, does this apply to adults? A psychological explanation for why kids like dinosaurs.

Tip: don’t buy a ghost town that you might not want to quarantine in.

Kids and adults alike!  JKR released this Harry Potter at home to banish boredom!

ICYMI: I made this Tahini Apple Crumble and you should, too!

If you believe in astrology, here’s a read for you.

That’s all I’ve got this week. Stay safe!









Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. Happy Easter, if that’s your thing! I wish I had more interesting things to say here, but I’m in the same boat that you are. I’m getting outside as much as weather allows (at a safe distance, of course).  I’m trying to figure…